Friday, May 15, 2009

This Post Is Censored Courtesy of Your Friends, the Chinese Government

It seems as if the subversive nature of our blog has drawn the ire of the Chinese government because we can no longer access the blog or the site used to make posts from a computer. Thus, I am relegated to posting from my phone until further notice. Unfortunately that means I can't add any pictures. Hopefully we regain access soon, but the problem could last until Hong Kong.

Yesterday we had a great day at the Summer Palace, my favorite place in Beijing. (You were dying to know which was my favorite, right?) Adam put on a show by turning the tables on the street vendors and trying to sell his walking stick to unwitting passersby. In the evening we had a final dinner with the Chinese students at a revolving rooftop restaurant. Today we're headed to the Olympic Park in the morning and then to the Silk Street Market, where we're planning to negotiate some prices that would make Monty Hall blush. (Would our students understand that reference? Ugh, sometimes I feel so old!)

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