Monday, May 25, 2009

Ready to Take a Chance Again

No jolts, no surprises. We spent the whole day on Monday visiting Hong Kong's sister-former-European-colony, Macau. (Okay, that's probably not how they refer to it, but you get what I mean.) While Macau is currently known for its casino business that more than doubles the total amount of money gambled in Las Vegas, our day-long tour consisted mostly of the Portuguese colonial relics that are still in the city. We did, of course, make a few "deposits" at the Wynn casino before we left. I mean, it's all about the cultural immersion, right?

When we got back to Hong Kong, four of us visited Peter the Tailor (I'm envisioning that name to come across like Russian emperor Peter the Great.) to have the final fitting of the suits that we purchased. I was even able to get my card displayed among the other esteemed customers. Take that, CEO of 3M!

Now we're in Tokyo for the last leg of our trip. We're off to our program with Rikkyo University this afternoon, so stay tuned for some more pics from that.

1 comment:

  1. Jen, I've enjoyed keeping up with your blog. Looks like you are having a fantastic time!

    ~ Amy
