Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Mmmmmm, Duck!

Yesterday we had a slight change of plans. We didn't go to Tiananmen Square and the Forbidden City. Instead, we had to move one of our lectures that was originally scheduled for this morning to Wednesday afternoon. That means that today is the Best of Beijing Sightseeing Tour, as we are going to the Forbidden City in the morning and the Great Wall in the afternoon. We'll see if everyone makes it downstairs at 8:30 because I heard some of them come in at about 3am this morning. That's right; you guys can't pull anything over on me!In the morning yesterday we had a tour of campus with several of the Chinese students who will be with us through Sunday. Several of them are planning to study for a semester in the US this fall, but unfortunately one apparently got terrible advice because she is headed to Ohio (Miami U.) instead of PA. It's really a shame that she is so misguided. During our walk some of us were invited to join in the Phys Ed classes that were going on, so as you can see below, Adam took on all challengers on the basketball court, and Laura held her own in badminton. I was even able to show the students that I have some semblance of athletic ability by successfully playing catch with some of the BJTU baseball players.

In the evening we had one of the signature dinners of the entire trip, the Beijing, "Don't Call it 'Peking,' Duck dinner. This was most of our first experience of a full, authentic Chinese meal, and I think most of us would agree that it's significantly different from the Chinese food that we're all used to in the US.

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