Saturday, May 16, 2009

Beijing Shopping Spree

Yesterday we started the day with a visit to the Olympic Park where many of us toured the Bird's Nest Stadium from last year's olympics. After that we headed to the shopping mecca that is the Silk Street Market, a six-story labyrinth of stalls selling almost anything you can imagine. This is definitely the place where you've overpaid if you can't get at least a 40% discount off of the initial price. I think Sam got the best deal, buying some alligator shoes priced at 3480RMB for 680RMB. He's planning to wear them in Macau, so when you see them you will surely agree that they're something to behold!

Today is our last day in Beijing. A lot of us are taking the high-speed train to Tianjin for the day, while the rest are going back for round two at Silk Street. We'll be taking the overnight train to Xian tonight, so I'll sign on again there. Hopefully the censorship net hasn't been cast that far!

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