Saturday, May 23, 2009


Yesterday was another highlight of the trip as we visited the panda breeding center before we left Chengdu. After hearing the story of the panda and its lifestyle, it's amazing that it's still around after 8 million years on the Earth. The center had two types of pandas: the giant panda with which we are all familiar and the red panda. We probably learned (and saw) more about pandas breeding and giving birth than any human needs to. Nature can be so, beautiful sometimes!

After the panda breeding center, we flew to Hong Kong where we were greeted with rain, rain, and more rain. According to the forecast, it unfortunately looks like most of our time here is going to be a washout. Hopefully we can get a few dry spells, especially while we're visiting Victoria's Peak and taking our harbor cruise today. Stay tuned for some more foggy pictures... Oh, and I'm able to post again; the evil web of censorship does not extend here!

*Faithful readers of the study abroad blogs will recall that I've recycled this pun from a few years ago. It is my hope that you'll excuse this lack of creativity, but that's such a good pun that I couldn't resist using it again!

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